Miki Kawasaki かわさき みき
Nanala Music director, Music Together facilitator, Piano teacher,
在学中より音楽コーディネーターを目指し、 全国の小学校をまわりアーティスト・ スタッフと共にこどもに伝わる音楽プログラムを考案する。
卒業後は0歳からのオーケストラコンサートの制作、 こども青少年クラシック音楽普及プロジェクト等、 フリーランスで様々な事業に携わり、 0才からのこどもと音楽をプロデュース。
夏に開催される草津夏期国際アカデミー& フェスティバルではヨーロッパをはじめ国内外で大活躍の世界的ア ーティストと音楽漬けの日々を過ごす。
2015年東京にてMusic Together®の講師養成トレーニング修了。
2016年夏、自身のこれまでの活動と統合しNanala musicをオープン、ディレクターとなる。
Miki Kawasaki graduated instrument music course(Piano)of Ferris University.
During her time in school, she played a number of instrument accompaniment and held concerts.Miki was born in Sobudai station, Zama city, Kanazawa, Japan.
Her usual theme are ‘Children, Music, and Family’.Since university student, Miki aimed music coordinator, and she visited elementary schools across the country with artists and staffs and devised music program which have been conveyed to children.
After Miki graduated school, she have been working for freelancer, and she produced children from 0age baby and music. Important projects which she produced are orchestra concert for 0 age baby to adult and children and youth classic music project.Her production of concert from 0age baby have been shown TV program of NHK named ‘Good morning Japan’ and also took interview from special edition of Nachu-mama vol.2 which is a child care magazine book. In this magazine, Miki introduced as a freelance concert planner.Miki participated in Kusatsu international summer academy and festival, and she spent days with world famous artists who played from at home and abroad including Europe.
During her time in school, she played a number of instrument accompaniment and held concerts.Miki was born in Sobudai station, Zama city, Kanazawa, Japan.
Her usual theme are ‘Children, Music, and Family’.Since university student, Miki aimed music coordinator, and she visited elementary schools across the country with artists and staffs and devised music program which have been conveyed to children.
After Miki graduated school, she have been working for freelancer, and she produced children from 0age baby and music. Important projects which she produced are orchestra concert for 0 age baby to adult and children and youth classic music project.Her production of concert from 0age baby have been shown TV program of NHK named ‘Good morning Japan’ and also took interview from special edition of Nachu-mama vol.2 which is a child care magazine book. In this magazine, Miki introduced as a freelance concert planner.Miki participated in Kusatsu international summer academy and festival, and she spent days with world famous artists who played from at home and abroad including Europe.
2012, Miki gave birth to a baby boy.
2015, Miki got a license of instructor of Music Together®, at Tokyo, Japan.
2016, Miki integrated own activities so far, and opened Nanala Music.
2015, Miki got a license of instructor of Music Together®, at Tokyo, Japan.
2016, Miki integrated own activities so far, and opened Nanala Music.
2018, Miki gave birth to a baby boy.
Yuna Shigeta しげた ゆうな